Monday, 21 July 2014

Mirtron Prefers to Remain Globally Green

Mirtron the quality heating and cooling service providers have definitely come a long way in providing excellent customer services and advice. Turning our attention to retain maximum effect of cooling or heating without dispersing the desired temperature could lead to a lot of benefits in terms of energy conservation and cutting of costs.

Rule number one is to ensure that your facility is fool proof i.e. has no leaks. Small leakages like an open window or conductive elements like the glass on a window could heat the facility significantly causing more energy use and hence indirect wastage.

Similarly if the nights are cooler you can open your windows at a certain time of the hour with proper ventilation through a fan to ensure that the heated up windows and cupboards during the day could be refreshed a bit better with the natural environment and air.

Mirtron cares for you and your environment and hence it is our corporate social responsibility to take care of the energy conservation and clientele benefits. Simple installation procedures are double checked to ensure that there is no wiring that could cause undue heat up and clogging which definitely effects the performance of the equipment and in turn the energy utilized increases. Thus the waste is detrimental to the overall environs.

Globally green is the way things ought to be hence we at Mirtron have collaborated with the global conditioning giants to ensure that these equipment's are designed in a fashion that they release the least amount of toxic wastes to the environment and with little use of energy offer maximum output hence magnifying the productivity many times.

It is our sincere wish at Mirtron that the benefits enjoyed by our stakeholders shouldn't be reserved to their pockets but the global environment at large.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Cut down on your electricity bills!

At Mirtron we believe in savings; saving energy, costs and effort. It is the maximum output with minimum input the main focus. Hence productivity maximization is a definite area of interest for us. Time and again we have shared the many tips that could be adopted to minimize the costs associated with the heating or cooling of your facility. Today we intend to share some more simply, yet effective ones:

First and foremost the thermostat needs to be paid utmost attention. It is to be kept in mind that the thermostat functions well only if it is in prim and proper condition. Excess age, dirt and clogs could lead to malfunctions in the thermostat leading to extra use of electricity as it is unable to accurately detect the temperature of the facility causing disturbance in the heating and cooling system. The modern thermostat system is a wi-fi enabled one and is a onetime cost only. It accurately detects the temperature and doesn’t need manual adjustment every time. It detects itself and complies to the requirements of the facility accordingly.

Similarly adjustment of the temperatures when not required could also lower down costs. While a poorly maintained HVAC system could also be one of the significant reasons for the sky rocketing bills. Proper maintenance and timely tuning up of these equipments could significantly save the tendency of greater costs and bills.

Knowledge about timely management of these issues could lead to a well informed household and facility. At Mirtron we believe in empowering our clientele. If there exists any further queries about the ways the facility could be better managed and costs saved please feel free to browse through our blog for different pertinent information. It is advised that you should be well informed about your equipment before handling it.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Share Your Success Story with Mirtron!

Everyone wants to become an expert. Everyone aspires for an A grade not only in their studies but their careers and lives. To cherish these moment of A graders, their success stores and expertise Mirtron has developed a creative competition for all the experts and aspiring experts.

For example our success story of Mirtron revolves around maintenance. The story goes something like this:

It was the mid of June and we got a sudden call from our client at around 4 am in the morning. They said that the air condition they had installed wasn’t working properly and also had a faint burning scent coming off it. Within 20 minutes we reached the facility and realized that one of the members had fainted due to the fumes. We immediately disconnected the equipment and set to work. Within 2 minutes we had diagnosed the problem as a case of damaged electrical wiring due to overheating and electrocution. Our team in 15 minutes carried out the operation while letting things to cool down. We cleared up the entire clog of matter in the equipment and made it friction free. Within half an hour the job was done well. It was that day one of the moments which we at Mirtron take great pride in. Our timely reaching of facility, taking the bull by the horn with a strong and confident action plan was what made the entire difference.

Excellence they say is not a destination and is a journey. Every one of us has one requisite filed in which we excel. If maintenance is our area of excellence we expect you to share your area of excellence and your success story. On this forum we will entertain each success story and you will get a chance to enlighten your area of expertise along with the story you want the world to know.

 So wait no further and let us all know... Your success story!

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Schedule Your Air Conditioning Tune Up Now!

Indeed, Do It Yourself mechanisms are good, in fact great but in the long run every machinery needs the requisite skilled hand to perform the right fix, maintenance or operation. Such is the case with air conditioners too. We all know the short and easy Do It Yourselves for the air conditioners, but what we don’t know is that a regular tune up from the expert cannot replace the quick fixes we make here and there.

At Mirtron our maintenance team has been observant of the lack of importance given to regular tune up sessions by the experts. Due to this ignorance usually problems become bigger and then more expensive to tackle. Hence it is suggested by our team at Mirtron that it is good that small fixes are done by yourself but there should be a proper set maintenance calendar. By following this maintenance calendar you will ensure that the technical ailments if there exist or might exist are covered perfectly.

By following this schedule you save yourself from the hassle of sudden big expense and technical jolt. Apart from that regular checkups ensure there is no extra heating of the equipment which results in extra use of energy which in turn increases your electricity charges significantly. Similarly the machinery tends to depreciate at a slower pace than usual if the right kind of maintenance job is being carried out. Such small steps help in assuring a better run HVAC service in your home or any commercial facility.

At Mirtron we offer the best maintenance facility to our clients with special emphasis on timeliness and quality. It is the compliance to these two parameters which make Mirtron stand out from the multiple service providers in the arena. Our 24/7 service is an example of reliability and our responsibility to our clients.